In this post, I'm gonna chronicle bout a typical friday of mine..
8.00am. Woke up in the morning feeling absolutely fabulous..
8.05am.La la la la.....Singing while brushing my teeth..
8.30am. Started for near accidents this morning, my driving skills must be getting better dy. Gd mood= manageable road rage level..
9.00am. Reached office. Had Milo with corn biscuits..fab breakfast..hahaa.
10.00am. Did not yell at anybody coz its a friday.
11.30am. Was intercommed to the reception.
To receive this
V from CY!
LOVeeee my flowerssss! Happeeeeee.....:-D
1.00pm. Gloated to everyone in office and continued to do so during lunch.
5.00pm.Succeeded in making absolutely everyone in office jealous and green-eyed. Yay!
Penny whacking me! Kedudukan tergugat! Couldnt stand another person getting flowers instead of her.. Wahahahaa..
Help!!!!! Connie wanted to rampas my flowers!!
7.00pm. Managed to fight off crazed cols and left for dinner in KLCC....
11.00pm. Safely home! the words of Louis Armstrong (the singer, not the angkasawan).....
What a wonderful worlddd..............
PS. Ok, so its not really a typical Friday for me. But wouldn't it be great if it is!:-)
PPS. Note to husky...juniors say mookieee!
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