Green green paddy field
Monday, June 30, 2008
Short Note 1.7.2008
Anyway, my eye is fine now, thank god! Due to heatiness after all! So guys, pls remember to drink tonz n tonz of water yea... Weather is cuckoo nowadays...
Adios for now and more next time....:-)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
FOod POst! BUmbu BaLi
Anyway, there we go.. succesfully uploaded...
This is CY's coffee. He said its not bad lar.. He's the coffee connoisseur, so have to believe him lar..
I just realised right underneath my right eye, there's a small bump....SObssssss....not another stye!!!! Penny said its due to heatiness, thus my flu and sorethroat...I sure hope so...not on my holiday pls!!! Just my luck bloodyyy hell!
Bye..goin off to mope now..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hazardous occupation...
A tYpIcal Fly-day of MinE
LOVeeee my flowerssss! Happeeeeee.....:-D
1.00pm. Gloated to everyone in office and continued to do so during lunch.
5.00pm.Succeeded in making absolutely everyone in office jealous and green-eyed. Yay!
Penny whacking me! Kedudukan tergugat! Couldnt stand another person getting flowers instead of her.. Wahahahaa..
Help!!!!! Connie wanted to rampas my flowers!!
7.00pm. Managed to fight off crazed cols and left for dinner in KLCC....
11.00pm. Safely home! the words of Louis Armstrong (the singer, not the angkasawan).....
What a wonderful worlddd..............
PS. Ok, so its not really a typical Friday for me. But wouldn't it be great if it is!:-)
PPS. Note to husky...juniors say mookieee!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Kiasuism...
6.40, still queuing....
6.47, the Ugly Malaysians had reared their ugly heads once again. Cutting queues...a skill honed to perfection...
And..arr...finally at 6.57 I reached the station. This Jazz only pumped RM40 worth of petrol. I wonder if its worth it queuing for an hour to save a few ringgit.
I used to pump about 50 a week. Now its up to about 65 a week. With the 625 subsidy, I can (and hope fervently) that it'll cover the increase lar.
Hate to post this sad i'll stop now...blek....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
This was taken on the sidewalk outside the Standard Chartered Bank in Port Dickson. All Pd people shd know where its at.
Anyway, ppl told me there's a theory which said that cute kids grow up to be ugly and ugly kids grow up to be pretty.
WEll,I'm not gonna comment on tat.hahaha..coz I really do think I was a cute kid!
But do look at my keratan tebu legs above!! Don't u just wanna bite it?!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This is Langkawi Boutique Hotel where we stayed.
PAS Youth Convention in progress!! No pork served at breakfast then i reckon?...
Cable car...highlight of the trip! Really really cool...
That's JunHao, TaiYong and YeeShyun with me n CY.
Not for the fainthearted.
But I'm scared of heights too, and I was ok throughout, so it cant be tat bad.
View from the top. Can you see my yacht parked down there?
Very cool. One thing that Tourism Malaysia has done right.
Had a short n sweet trip. Good food, good ambience, good company. I'm content really, dont even need Doctor and Pomelos anymore.haha..
Must return to Langkawi soon. Anyone interested to go?? Carlsberg is RM1.70 a can if I may remind you.....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Twin Sister!
My real sista, PeiLi, was the one who noticed the similarities and showed me the newspaper with the Post-It.
What do you think? Should I track her down and steal her life??
Monday, June 16, 2008
Adult JOke!
Errr..then wat are u doing reading my blog in the first place???
LITTLE GIRL: Mommy, I just found out that our neighbor's son has a penis like a peanut!!
MUM: You mean it's small?
LITTLE GIRL: No it's salty!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Shangrila Company Buffet
Aishah and Mey
Forgot whose food selection this was dy..
Pro photography...shielding us from the flash...
Scallops, salmon and esophagus......err.. i mean, asparagus...:-)
Joe, Shahril, Syu and Pen
Mey and Con
Con and the boss's wife
I was the one that i cropped out from this pic. Coz the difrence in beauty was too big..hahaha...Kiasu...This is Aishah's or not..
Sir, I'm a gd fren, am i not??!
Last but not least, Lengkee helping me to pinpoint the pretty girl behind him. She was bald yet had really striking features.. Too bad i wasnt able to get her full frontal (!!) pic..Boohooo, i've failed you, my blog readers.....:-( Except for u SIrhc, u owe me..hahaa..
Friday, June 13, 2008
KOrean HOttieess

Except this Prince is not diminutive at least 6'3" in my humble yet trained in spotting tall hot guys eyes. I think he's mighty cute, yet seemed like not many ppl share my sentiments about him. CY, my sister, etc have said tat he's not handsome. Hmmm?
But I mean, don't compare him to the next guy i'm introducing here lar....

Whoa, not just bedroom eyes...if he wants it, he can have it in the kitchen, the toilet sink, the dog cage, etc
Whoaaaaaa, I love this pic the most..coz i'm a huge sucker for guys in glasses. Nerdy, seriously sexy or sexily serious, and can lure me away from any library/computer lab/walking down the aisle..hahahahaa

Okay, guy readers, you've had your Jessica Alba n Megan Fox. This is the girls' turn to drool.
Look at that bod. Look at those veins in his arm....Try to imagine tat arm around you, protecting you, holding you, caressing you....and ermm, i'll leave the rest to your own level of perverted imagination ok...;-P
Short note: Just to let you ppl know that I am indeed obsessed with blogging nowadays. I find great joy in finding new materials to share with you and of course, in having you spending a few minutes to read my blog. Time-wise, my boss is on holiday for 2 weeks and I've passed some of my files to the new lawyer since I am leaving this firm end of this month. "Nuff said. I'm trying to blog as much as I could now, at least one post a day coz I know my new job would not permit me to blog as much as I would like anymore. Perhaps its good for you guys too, coz then I wouldnt force you to read my blog anymore..hahahaaaa. Till the end of my obsessive blogging days...More to come!