It has come to my attention that Avril Lavigne's concert in Kl had been cancelled. Bcoz some idiots made some idiotic protest to the mayor to revoke the permit. Reason: little miss avril will be the devil who corrupts our youths and turn them into little monsters. Well, well, as if they aren't already.
Please lar...seriously...i can't believe how ignorant some ppl can be. And i read that from Yahoo News. Really good to know that we are now world the frigid country who bans artistes.. as good as having the world record for biggest ketupat or tallest roti canai tower....Or having a space tourist parading as an 'angkasawan', inspiring youngsters everywhere...sheesshh...beh tahan..If they really care so much for the rakyat, do some actual work helping the poor, etc...but no, they just have to keep making a fool of themselves. C'mon, Avril makes millions okay, without having a concert stop in KL she really doesnt give a fark. Its us, as a country, moving backwards tats at the losing end...
She's saying: you can shove your Ketupats into your fat arses...

Devil/Morals destroyer? Me? Luckily i don even like your girlfrens....
Ps. Honestly, i'm not even an Avril fan...seriously...
(singing quietly:heyheyyouyou..)
Totally agree...."Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?"
Suck on this BN gomen!
I don't like her either, but it's mega embarrassing. Anyways, I heard that the concert has been postponed/delayed because it is too close to the merdeka celebrations or something.
On off on off...*sigh*
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