Anyway, we have a new sexiest woman! The No1 spot was previously occupied by d universally lusted after (but in my humble opinion is without a personality beauty*jealousy anyone?*lol) Miss Jessica Alba.
But hey, with a face and a body like this, who needs personality right????

But now that she's pregnant n looking gloomy all d time now...well, she got chucked to the side by the male population. which is of course a very typical male thing to do, newer better n younger girls..who don wan right? heh.
So ya, the SEXIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW is.......... taa-daa....
Miss Megan Denise Fox...aka Miss sexy who roundaround in Transformers...look at tat a**....
(Note her middlename...I didnt make tat up i swear. Coincidentally, pretty girls just share sthing in common. :-D)

However, i don really like Megan *jealousy again, anyone?* coz i think she just looks way too mature for her age..22! She;s born in 1986! Maybe its just her thick makeup? Altho I do love her Motley Crue tee...
She channels some Monice Berlucci vibe here...I like.....
This is a really bad pic of her, looks just like an ah gua don u think?? Too much make up or what??
Ahh..way better...lov d eyes...but not d eyebrow.....
So, blogders...wat say u?? Sizzling hot hot hot???
So hot that optimus prime will overheat
megan fox is perfect to me. my name is monice too but the ''c'' sounds like a ''s'' email me you
my email is
love you
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