yup, title (of this blog) changed, numbers (2 to 3) changed, wrinkles (everywhere) emerging, let the aging process begin! Or, worse, as one of my friends commented on my fb wall, its the rotting process instead!! :-(
Haha, anyway, had a nice birthday celebration yesterday. Thanks to all who so nicely wished me happy birthday (and not rotting :-P)!
My colleagues bot me a lovely cake during lunch, which i didnt manage to take a pic of coz my camera was low on batt... but here's (part of) us having lunch in Japin, Sungei Wang..

And my dear fiance ordered a bouquet of roses to be sent to my office too!! Thankss babee! :-DD

Happy belated birthday girly...!!!
Come on... turning 30 is not that bad! :)
hey thanks, ...and pls update your blog more often!
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