Green green paddy field
Friday, July 30, 2010
Bridal diet recipe No. 1
Monday, July 26, 2010
Bkt Jugra Sojourn
My x boss and cols asked me to join them to go boating and fishing. Dunno i was conned or that the plot was accidently lost in translation, i heard we were going in a big boat and just gonna sit and relax in the boat for a coupla hours while the men did the fishing (i imagined sipping champagne too!) and then enjoyed a seafood spread at land....not bad, right, the picture tat was painted....
So for the 2nd consecutive day, I woke up at 6.30 am (i woke up 6.30 the day before and went to the hill at TTDI for a hike. Tera ler....) and proceeded to join the boss and cols at Jalan Ipoh, a crowd of supposedly 10plus ppl withered to only about 5, the rest ffked.....
The hosts for the day was Mr. Wong and family, who invited boss for the trip. We reached Bkt Jugra (very near KL, after Banting) about 8.30 and had these for breakfast :-

off we went....turned out to be a speedboat! No shade! (Needless to say, no champagne as well) and only 6 of us went, us 3 girls, boss, Mr. Wong and boatman, who is Mr. Wong's bil.

Mr. Wong, left out in the sun....

After about 2 hours at the sea, the water started turning choppy, and i started to turn green...begged them to go back to land.....Luckily we did...

We had o-chian, which is omelette with clams later on...very nice....coz the clams are those small ones, i hate big clams which are gooey... We had some nice hokkien mee also but no pics of that..
Later on we headed to Mr. Wong's father in law's house, they reared some kois and kailos (if i rmb correctly), they are the black ones, but i was educated that actually they have tints of green, blue or red if observed carefully. A favourite of chinese bizmen, it seems, bring luck..
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Count 'em.
1) I have a mom, a dad, a sis and a bro. Dysfunctional or otherwise, some ppl have none.
2) I have my sight, albeit seriously short-sighted, to see what i'm typing here...
3) I have a university education and am not a bo tak che.
3) I have travelled to Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, HK, China, Korea, Japan, England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain and Italy. Gloating i might be, but some ppl have never been on an airplane.
4) I have a job.
5) I have a few true friends.
6) I have a roof over my head and a blanket to keep me warm during these cold nites.
7) I can choose whether to have Mc D or mamak mee goreng for lunch later.
8) I am considered healthy, although i am not a size S and i have wobbly knees.
9) I have a clerk who does the typing for me.
10) I can drive myself to Malacca (or anywhere else in the Peninsular) if i want to at this moment.
11) I have been loved and let loved, experienced the joys and sorrows, understand euphorias and heartbreaks. Some ppl never find it.
12) I have my readers who click on my blog....:-) Thank you all....honestly...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Yuin Yuin
It's quite beyond me that i can find the strength to come to work and to even blogging. A cruel haha.
From all the bad news that i have gotten and waiting to get, i'm so happy to hear than my friend Yuin is with child. Much much congrats to her and its such joyous news and i wanna thank her for being pregnant, thank you Yuin for giving me the ray of light on such gloomy days.......... I just cant wait to know whether it will be a mini Yuin or mini John..And when it comes to choosing a name for the baby, i personally recommend Usher if its a boy and Meadow Daisy if its a girl. :-D
More like gross chicken burger!
So, dont be a sucker and pay Rm12.50 for a medium size set, not worth it. Its salty and uninspired. Blek. I enjoyed Kfc's toasted pocketful much more.
Ps. i've lost 2kilos and am now entitled to eat fatty food again.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Are they rude or just plain entitled to?
So last nite the realtors brought these 2 girls for a viewing. Maybe in their late 20s, early 30s. Smallish in statures, look like those doing accounts type. haha, pardon my stereotyping.
Anyway, the moment they stepped into my condo, they began their 'mission' - ie leave no stones unturned. They opened and closed the kitchen cabinets, peered into the sink, opened the fridge, tested the sliding door mechanism, switched on and off the lights, flushed the toilet, knocked on the shower screen, peered at the paint works, stared at the air cond and feeling the air blown out from the air cond, and best of all, went into my bedroom and walked around touching my wardrobe, the windows, curtains, the drawers...they were this close to opening my wardrobe but i stopped them in time, wouldn't want my clothes falling on them and claiming the public liability insurance.
I felt a bit violated and annoyed, coz all the previous viewers were courteous and only politely peered into my bedroom and if they wan to open any drawers, cabinets, will ask for my permission before doing so. And it feels very vulnerable to let other ppl judge your place of habitat, ie, is it clean, tastefully renovated, gd choice of curtains, minimalistic, avant garde, feels very uncomfortable...since I am still living there.
However, in their defense, we are selling the condo fully furnished, so maybe it is okay for them to check out the cabinets, etc? I dunno, whatcha thinka?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My Friday Mood!
Reason coz i'm taking leave is becoz my dear bridezilla, uh humm, i mean dear Annie is gonna especially fly in from Sibu to accompany me to choose my photoshoot gowns on Tuesday. Very kind of her to do so, although i did bribe her with full board and meals during her stay in KL. Mamak everyday it is! haha.
So so, let me tell you my leave plan, starting from now :-
Friday nite: Watching Eclipse with CY.
Saturday : Tagging along with CY to Ipoh, he's going for work purposes and i'm going for chicken rice, white coffee and pomelo purposes.
Sunday : Fetching Annie from Sentral, Swedish meatballs at Ikea, Bazaar at the Curve, Hens Nite at TGIF! I wanted to go Zeta Bar but my hens are all umm..domesticated. Shucks...World Cup Final!!!!
Monday: Mamaking, Fetching Annie to Low Yat and mindlessly watching her hair gets (s)permed hehee, fighting with mui mui chais over rm25 clothes in Sungei Wang pLaza, maybe lunch with Yin yin at pavilion, fetching Annie to Mid valley so she can browse a sizeable charles n keith store, mamaking, me dying of exhaustion.
Tuesday: Mamaking, to bridal studio for the gowns choosing, mamaking, fetching Annie to KLIA.
Wednesday: Beating myself over not applying another day's leave...
Paul the Octopus
Here's a link in case you want to see Paul in action :-

And here's some write up on Paul from Wiki :-
In the 2010 FIFA World Cup knockout stage, Paul predicted Germany's win over England in the round of 16 and over Argentina in the quarter finals. For his last prediction, Paul received death threats. Angry Argentinian fans blamed him for their team's major loss of 0 to 4, and threatened to eat him to avenge his prediction. His keeper Oliver Walenciak is sure that the octopus is safe in his aquarium tank:
“ There are always people who want to eat our octopus but he is not shy and we are here to protect him as well. He will survive."
Paul also made a correct prediction for the semi finals when he chose the box with Spain's flag. Some German supporters hoped that Paul would get it wrong because of his incorrect prediction of the Germany versus Spain match in the UEFA Euro 2008, but this time they were in for a disappointment. Paul did it once again, his 100% accurate prediction for FIFA 2010 has gained worldwide status as a celebrity.
Hehe, aint that cute..... And anyway, i was woken up by my neighbours' noisy excitement while watching the match last nite/early this morning. And since I was having a fitful sleep anyway coz I only had vege for dinner last nite and was therefore, starvinggggg (another post on the darn pre-wedding diet plan next time), I woke up to catch the few last minutes of the game (and munced on some hi-fibre low-salt biscuits). Germany was already down 0-1 by that time, and I realised that the neighbours will get excited and screamed for no reason at all, not necessarily at possibilities of scoring, just like when u got stuck in the no-reason-at-all-jams of Malaysia. SOoo....HOlland V SPAin......
Friday, July 2, 2010
Even Lengchais have the same fate...