Green green paddy field
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Nutcase Ramblings
Tis post doesnt intend to make any sense, only meant to be therapeutic to me and me alone. So if u're confused later, don't blame me..
Well, tis is aredi October 2008. Why does life has to be such a bitch and throw more and more challenges to our faces when we get older? Sure, c'est la vie, but does it have to be like tat?? Can't things just get simpler once in a while??? Like, I've read all these articles in National geographic and reader's digest and these ppl who were interviewed were always saying "From that moment i held the baby elephant's feet/touch the horse's placenta/dig up corpses(mummies/corpses the same la) in the Valley of the Corpses (sori, Kings)/ saw her face in the crowd, I KNEW IT!
I wanna be a podiatrist (foot doctor, i googled it so u dont have to)/horse midwife/undertaker/stalker. " And they went on to say how much joy their job gave them, how they're goin to do it for the rest of their life, nothing else they wan..You get the picture..
Why cant I have tat?? Why cant I be sure of my true calling in life? Why all the searchings of the soul, the doubts, the insecurities, the fears, the moments of near truths and never full truths. Are all these needed? A wise man told me that without all the bitterness in life, we wouldnt know the sweetness. And i told him I KNOW all the sweetness, I really can do without all the bitterness. We all drink WONG LOU KAT even though its bitter ONLY because its good to our bodies, not because we need the bitter to tell us that chrysanthemum tea taste sweet. NOw, now, dont tell me that the challenges are like wong lou kat, we have them because they're good to us. In wat sense? So tat i;ll be tougher? Be more mature? Be more wise? Then everyone should spend a year in prison or sleep on the streets then everyone will be the model citizen. NO, the truth is ppl get broken down, gets disappointed, lost their sense of purpose because life dealt to them blow after blow...
Okay, now u'll say tat i'm not a prisoner, nor am i a homeless person, i have much to be thankful about, I should say my blessings every single day, and I AM thankful, I AM blessed with certain things, does that mean I cant show my vulnerability? I cant mope? I can't bitch about the bitchiness of life?
Sigh...much ado about nothing, really, coz tis time tomorrow I'll still go to work, trying to please bosses and clients while trying to be friendly to coworkers, I'll still be another worker ant trying not to get squashed, I'll still be yearning for a simpler life, I'll still be wishing I have Keeley Hazell's body (although I doubt I'll have a simple life if I have her body), I'll still be yakking with Annie on msn whenever we can snake, I'll still be silly and immature and watch Entourage with Yshin, I'll still be giving all sorts of wrong (Petronas was just by the mosque near KLCC right??Remember the taxis lining up for NGV previously?) directions to people and I'll still love those who are dear to me...I lap u!! :-)
I've finished the honeystix and am now munching on wasabi peas instead..Whoa,,,HELPPP...I CANT BREATH!!
Oh wait, that was just wasabi attacking my nose..See, still silly...bitterness (or wasabi) can't eradicate my silliness..So all in all, i'll rather do without more bitterness, thankyouverymuch. U cant suffocate me, wasabi!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The boring 100th Post
He asked one man 'Why are you eating grass?
''We don't have any money for food,' the poor man replied. 'We have to eat grass.
''Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you', the lawyer said.'But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree'.
'Bring them along,' the lawyer replied.Turning to the other poor man he stated, 'You come with us also.'
The second man, in a pitiful voice then said, 'But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!''Bring them all, as well,' the lawyer answered.
They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine was. Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, 'Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.
'The lawyer replied, 'Glad to do it. You'll really love my place; the grass is almost 1 metre high!'
Lesson : Don't trust kind lawyers!!!!
Well, well, Don't worry, my place only has cactus instead of grass....:-D
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Random Bits
2. I miss London.
3. My head is itchy coz i was too lazy to wash my hair tis morning.
4. I wanna watch Tropic Thunder, wacky comedies are the best.
5. Monkeys are supposed to have a really great year in 2009. Don't know bout gorillas though.
6. This reminds me of the David Letterman's TopTen list. But no Drew Barrymore dancing on my table and showing me her tits.
7. My handphone is not behaving itself.
8. My HesBC's credit card bill has not arrived yet and afraid that I'll incur interest if I don settle on time, a call was placed to their customer service dept, and found out that my bill this month is only RM11.47. :-)
9. There are green bits inside the office's water dispenser. Most probably seaweed.
No No. 10 coz i've ran out of bits.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Then woke up hungry at midnite and had biscuits. So, definitely not worth it to skip dinner and had supper instead. ahhaah..
And btw, the title is the color of my uh humm...toilet business this morning...teehee...Ohhh, perhaps thats where Thomas Harris got his inspiration for his novel, the Red Dragon, while s(h)itting in the loo...hahahahahah....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Annie's BBQ
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So so, I'm gonna embark on yet another diet.. I must at least lose 1 kg by this time next month. If that is not achievable, I would want to at least feel healthier by then.
I'm gonna cut off bread in the mornings and not eating heavy dinners after 9.
Small but crucial baby's first steps towards success..
Even if I stumble, or worse, fail, I will not be deterred. As the chinese have one saying (they have sayings for all occasions and situations, as you know), Failure is the mother of success...
Most probably created by losers...hahaha...
Anyway, its been raining lots lately and weather is make sure u drink lots n lots of liquid and bring Rihanna along whenever u're going outdoors.....(Umbrella, ella..):-)
PS, words of encouragement and tips on diets are much welcomed!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Overheard at Bukit Tinggi Rabbit Farm..
"Daddy daddy, I want to kill the rabbits."
"Why do you want to kill the rabbits,....rabbits are for you to play with."
"I want to kill them and drink their blood."
And you thought kids are cute...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Stil Krabi..
Anyway, this was Day 3 in Krabi. The best day of the whole trip. Before i went on the trip, i thought the sea, the beach, was all tat was to krabi. But i was so wrong..coz Krabi had some other gems as well..
First off, we went hiking 800 meters (penny told me it was 800 kilometers at first!! FYI 800 kms from Krabi is Bangkok ok..) into one reserved forest or sthing and we were really impressed!
Hot spring waterfall!
I absolutely loved it! The water was really warm and the best thing is that unlike the normal hot spring where water is stagnant and there's a strong sulphur or whatever mineral smell, this is flowing water and no smell!
The place is rather small but coz its off season, we had good spots.
20 mins is the recommended time for each dip. I had start coming out of the water after 10 mins with face red like a lobster. Indication of high blood pressure maybe...:-(
Look at us...enjoying the wonders of nature (except for Joe, no eyes see us..hahah)...Absolutely amazing...either that or i need to get out more...hahahaha....
After that wonderful morning, we went to Krabi town for some walking around.
Those are traffic lights 'holders'. Haha, u've heard of tea light's holder, but not traffic light holder right.. Quite cool, dunno any history or story behind it though...
Do we look like Thai bar girls loitering around waiting for customers???heheh..
We got so bored we ended up playing Jenga..
Then at midnight, the guys shooed us back to the hotel....No kidding!!!
They went to have a second round..and the next morning gloating and glowing reports from the guys was that they chatted up the local girls and went to a local disco where they hugged, danced and generally notti-ed!
All they paid for was the drinks for the girls...lucky bastards...
Ok, so now when my male friends say they wan to go to Krabi for holidays, we know why....:-))
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tee hee
I've had so much good food for the past 2 weeks, wish i could list down everything i eat.. so u guys can see wat a glutton i am...but i know u guys will be jealous as no..except those i've taken pictures of la..
So happy continuing our lonnnngggg weeekend okay...i have some shit(luckily not d real kind this time, but close) to deal with moro...but i'll b strong n weather it through...
Muakss and i'm off.......