We followed Apple tours and therefore the tour guide was gd also and we stayed in some wonderful hotels - among others, the hotels made sure that they gave us 3 sets of toiletries and get this - each set was color coded so tat we don get them mixed up! *pengsan*
Another example was this :-
So there were a few aunties in our group and we bumped into them in one of the pharmacies ala watsons and they were grabbing packets of this Collagen powder drink, supposedly much cheaper than in Isetan KL like RM120 a packet or something. So mom and i grabbed a packet each too. What?? My mom cant lose out to other aunties right??...:-))
Upon return to tanah air darahku, i promptly studied it. The directions and descriptions are all in japanese but luckily i'm well-versed in reading illustrations..sibeh talented no?
1) find a pair of magic flying scissors which will cut open the packet without need of human effort,
2) get a pair of fat chopsticks and pinch the corner to the left until an arrow appears,
3) pour it all into a bamboo shoot ala lemang, and
4) thereafter, ur dustbin will have a stamp on it.
Not funny? Oklah...so we get the actual instructions..only that number 4 shows that they provide a sticker on the packet that you can tear out and stick on your container of choice showing the expiry date of the product! Neat eh?
Caring or what??
Close up..
However, after 3 seconds...
The sticker doesnt stick!

However, after 3 seconds...

The sticker doesnt stick!
Nevermind the bad execution, its still a brilliant idea! I forgive them, they gave the world kobe beef, udon and lobster sashimi. (btw, why did yoshinoya mid val closed down??? beef lovers where mia?)
Ohh....verdict of the drink? Umm...i didnt really finish it, but i drank it in the period leading up to the wedding...
Judge it for yourself
1 comment:
Gorgeous wedding shot of you! Love your blog, keep posting :) And if you feel like following someone else's, feel free to follow me! :)
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